Olivia - 3.0 (PC ONLY)
Olivia's Features:
- Clean-looking dissolve toggles for all clothing, accessories, and Kitty parts
- Skin Tone Radial puppet for light mid and dark tones
- Post Processing toggle so you can look good in any world
- 7 Hue shifts for ultimate colour customisation
- Hai combo gestures so expressions will always look good
- Phys bones in all the normal places
- Top material swap to lewd version
- Grabbable and poseable Glasses
- Dynamic Gestures for when the tail is pulled, the head is patted, and when the nose is booped
- GoGoLoco
- Poi Toon 8.1.161 or Poi Pro either should work.
- Vr Chat Creator Companion.
- Unity 2019.4.31f1.
Any issues feel free to contact me via discord Wheez#3520
By buying this model you are agreeing to the following rules.
- Under no circumstances may you take parts off this creation for other assets/model creations, whether it be personal or commercial. All assets are created by me or other creators credited below.
- Under no circumstances is this model to be uploaded as a public model.
- Under no circumstances may you claim this model as your own.
- Under no circumstances is this model to be used for V-Tubing or any streaming service.
- Under no circumstances is this model to be re-distributed/shared in any way.
- Body Sugs#9795
- Body Texture HoneyLab
- Body Tattoos Sezzy
- Head & Glasses Zeffyr
- Head Skin Tones Peachy^#7406
- Hair Sivka
- Hair Texture Cicieaaa
- Shoes Jinxyxx3
- Heart Particles VRC_Aruen#1830
- Icons awmi & Peachy^#7406 (edited by me also)
- Hai Combo Hai-VR
- GoGo Loco Franada
Everything else was made by me and will be up in my store soon.
Olivia's Unity Package
Download Size
VR Chat Performance Rating
Very Poor
Material Slots
VRAM Usage
260 MB
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